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【译文】In view of the fact that your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses,we regret to say that we have canceled the contract,and we reserve the right to claim damages.

【点评】商务信函本应措辞婉转,但如果涉及自身利益严重受损的情况,则需提出索赔。这时利益重于婉转礼貌。例句原文选自索赔函,期中语言平等,没有贬己尊人类用语,其语气虽不显生硬,但也不婉转。例句将事情的来龙去脉直接交待清楚,并提出己方的主张。译文很好地把握住了原文的强硬语气,用语正式,措辞严厉(violation,undeserved losses,cancel,reserve the right,claim for damages),令人产生一种距离感。此外,译文采用“in view of”引导一个同位语从句,还使用了套语“we regret to say that...”和“we reserve the right to claim for...”,同样给人以拒人于千里之外的感觉。