英语口语:Sitting pretty 吃喝不愁

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英语口语:Sitting pretty 吃喝不愁

Pretty不是个生词,它的意思是“漂亮的“, 但是习惯用语sitting pretty可不是“坐著很漂亮”的意思。让我们从下面这个例子来体会sitting pretty这个表达的确切含义:  
  My friend Joe has been a poor farmer working hard all his life. But he’s sitting pretty now on: a big oil company found a big pool of oil under his land and today he’s a millionaire.

既然他的地下有丰富的石油蕴藏,石油公司必然要出高价买他的地。他顷刻间家产百万,再也不必终年操劳,就能坐享其成了。所以这里的sitting pretty描绘的是某人处于不愁吃穿、经济宽裕的状况。

Mike really is sitting pretty with his new job.