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 Clarity 理清思绪

First, you have to know what you want. It’s not enough to go after a profession that pays well.首先,你得知道自己要什么。仅仅追求高报酬的工作是不够的。

Making money your priority will destroy your soul. It will leave you unsatisfied and miserable。把挣钱当做你的首要目标会毁掉你的'灵魂,你会觉得不满足,甚至抑郁。


Once you become clear about what you want to do, it’s important that you focus on the tasks that help you make the most progress. 一旦你知道了自己想要的是什么,最重要的是要集中精力在能取得实质进展的事情上。

For example, if you’re building an online business, you can spend all the time you want checking email, but it won’t get you closer to the goals that truly matter in your life. 比如,如果你想在网上做生意,你可能得花很多时间处理邮件,但是这件事并不能让你接近目标。

An online business is not a business until a sale is made。


Goal Setting设定目标

Goal setting gives your mind something to focus on. Our brains are goal seeking mechanisms.目标会让你的头脑有所聚焦。我们的大脑有目标追寻的机制。

If you don’t give your mind something to go after, it won’t know what to do。如果你不给它一个目标,它就不知道要做什么。


Once you’ve set your goal, it’s time to start taking massive action. Most successful people are positive. They face the same amount of challenges as anyone else. 一旦你有了目标,就该行动起来了。大部分成功的人都是积极的。他们和其他人面临着同样多的挑战。

The only difference is that they view their failures differently. They know that by trying many things, they will succeed sooner or later, while unsuccessful people tend to give up before they’ve even started。唯一的不同是他们从不同的角度看待失败。他们知道通过这些尝试,他们早晚会成功,而那些失败的人往往在真正开始之前就已经放弃了。

 Trial & Error不断试错

Becoming successful is all about trial and error. The more you fail, the faster you will succeed. 走向成功就是不断尝试和犯错的过程。你失败的越多,也就成功的越快。

This doesn’t mean you should jump from thing to thing before you’ve given it a chance. 当然这并不是说你要不断的从一件事跳到另一件事。

What you should do is pick one thing that has been proven to work, and make it work. The important thing is that you stay focused until you make it work。
