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乘务员是没有做过,但是车至少有坐过吧?个人觉得做乘务员首先应该对你所在的城市或是站台很熟悉,这样上手的快,乘务员都是要报站的,第二,要机灵,因为车是流动的,上车下车的`人都在变,你必须记住哪些乘客是在哪里上的车,将会在哪里下车,做事要细心,要善于观察第三,记性要好,能够很快的记住从这一站那另一站间的收费情况第四,要热心,要学会多问,像有些人本来要去A站,而你的车只是经过B站,而你又知道B站有车到A站,这样一来还是会有人去坐你们那趟车的怎样面试?这个你就要先知道哪里有在招乘务员啊然后你就查一下他们公司找到他们公司的公交车,坐上车晃一圈,在车上跟车上的乘务员聊聊,可能会问出些东西出来不过乘务员好像还要会数钱,会识真假币的1。一个服务为乘务员官必须首先为他人服务的意识和热情有能力从事民用航空。这一点很重要,必须在接受采访时乘务员表现,但不要太做作夸张。考生应该有一个更好的能力,与人沟通和亲和力。在性格,有很强的心理承受能力。2。自我介绍自我介绍是我们必须提前准备,因为乘务员的面试问题是很基本的问题,如您的姓名,身高,教育,你为什么选择航班服务员等所以我们可以提前做好准备。此外,简历应准备一式两份,一份中文和英文。3。连衣裙在同一天接受采访时,考生可以挑选自己喜欢的衣服慷慨的,有尊严的,适当的,不染烫,保持自然的微笑。考生还可以化妆,但不能浓妆艳抹丹麻,色彩损失,但弄巧成拙。4. The image of temperamentan interview before the pay attention to maintaining a light diet, do not eat spicy, eating seafood and heat food in order to avoid the appearance of acne , or the occurrence of skin allergy. Note that rest, to maintain adequate sleep, so that his appearance is more beautiful. The proper conduct of some physical exercise is also essential, because it can make more dynamic ht attendants - This enviable career, the annual enrollment, applicants and interviews are abnormal hot! In this part of the interview flight attendants, in particular candidates have given rise to widespread concern about the interview flight attendants should pay attention to what interview skills?flight attendant - something that has the envy of the profession, the annual enrollment , apply for and interview are abnormal hot!In this part of the interview flight attendants, in particular, have given rise to widespread concern about candidates.