我们偶尔都会犯错误。 请描述一个你在工作中一个犯错误的经历,以及你是如何处理的?

进修社 人气:1.98W
我们偶尔都会犯错误。 请描述一个你在工作中一个犯错误的经历,以及你是如何处理的?
我们偶尔都会犯错误。 请描述一个你在工作中一个犯错误的经历,以及你是如何处理的? Question4: We all occasionally make mistakes. Describe a situation in which you made a mistake on a job and how you handled it." 问题4: 我们偶尔都会犯错误。 请描述一个你在工作中一个犯错误的经历,以及你是如何处理的? 回答一:我曾经违反公司政策给了一个被裁减的员工多一个月的'福利,因为她的家庭遭遇困难。公司为此认为我执行政策不够严格,但我认为自己做得没错,因为我们要有同情心。 I have given a redundancy employee one more month package, just because her family just met some difficulty. I was blamed by company for not following policy strictly. But I feel I was doing a right thing as we should have sympathy for staff. 点评:英文: Justify your mistake by saying that youre only human. In this case, you have violated the company policy, you could either improve the policy or influence your boss to support you. But you answer only indicates that you are a stubborn person. (5 pts.) 中文:为自己的错误辩护,说明自己仅仅是有同情心而已。在你列举的这样一个案例中,你违背了公司的制度,要么你说服公司修改制度(那是很困难的),要么你说服相关人员支持你的做法,可是,你的回答只表明了自己的一意孤行。回答二:我曾经违反公司政策给了一个被裁减的员工多一个月的福利,因为她的家庭遭遇困难。我先向上司反映了这个情况,并得到了上司的理解和支持,我们也对此举动向所有员工做了说明,员工们都非常感动。 I have given a redundancy employee one more month package, just because her family just met some difficulty. I explained this case to my supervisor in advance, and gained support from him/her. I also communicated this case to all staff, most of staff feel touched by this action. 点评:英文: Demonstrate your willingness to admit your shortcomings and take responsibility for your actions by explaining how you took ownership of a mistake. You violation of policy has helped the others and also got recognition by all staff.(10 pts.) 中文:显示出你愿意为自己的错误承担责任,并解释你是如何承担责任的。你的违规做法不仅帮助到需要帮助的人,而且能够取得大家的一致认同。回答三:我曾经违反公司政策给了一个被裁减的员工多一个月的福利,因为她的家庭遭遇困难。这种情况并不是第一次出现,以前也有人违反政策给多一点福利给员工,所以我觉得并不能算一个严格意义上的错误。 I have given a redundancy employee one more month package, just because her family just met some difficulty. I think this was not the first case we went beyond the policy so I feel this was not a real mistake. 点评:英文: Demonstrate how you took ownership of a mistake but quickly point out that others were also responsible. This is a risk-provoking answer, leave a space for a difficult question.(7 pts.) 中文: 显示出你愿意为自己的错误承担责任,但很快指出其他人也应该负责。这是一个很有争议的理由,很容易给对方制造下一个出难题的机会。本文仅代表作者观点,与本站立场无关.