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个人能力面试中必问的问题之一。面试官通常会问你对自己能力的评价,优点、缺点、成就等等。回答问题的时候注意一定要简洁、说到点子上,不要一说到自己就谈个没完或是背简历。也不要说一些太浮的词。下面是ben 和tom 对面试官的回答,相信对大家都有借鉴意义。


watson: what is your greatest strength?ben: i think i am very good at planning。 i manage my time perfectly so that i can always get things done on time。watson: what are your weak points?ben: when i think something is right, i will stick to that。 sometimes it sounds a little stubborn but i am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise。watson: what are your greatest accomplishments?ben: although i feel my greatest accomplishments are still ahead of me, i am proud of my involvement with the international business conference ‘93 project。 i made my contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process。watson: can you work under pressure?ben: yes, i find it stimulating。 however, i believe in planning and proper management of my time to reduce panic deadlines。1。 what is your greatest strength? 你最大的优点是什么?记住,这里问的是最大的优点,而不是让你罗列出你的全部优点。2。 要挑一条你认为最能吸引考官的优点来说。what are your weak points? 你的弱点是什么,ben回答说如果他认为某事是正确的,他就会坚持己见,但是他现在正想办法改变这种固执的脾气。这里不仅要告诉考官自己的缺点,还要告诉考官自己正在改正这个缺点,这能给人留下知错就改的好印象。3。 考官继续问what are your greatest accomplishments? 你最大的成就是什么?ben很谦虚,他说“我认为我的'最大成就还未出现“,i feel my greatest accomplishments are still ahead of me。 他接着又描述了自己在“九三国际商务会议“这个活动中的表现和收获。4。 can you work under pressure? 你可以在压力下工作吗?因为工作的压力是不可避免的,所以考官想知道你在工作压力方面的想法。ben的回答很好,他说,压力可以转化为动力,而且只要正确利用时间,压力是可以克服的。这句话大家也可以直接拿来用。