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1. 身高体重、政治面貌、婚姻状况、出生年月、籍贯户口是不需要放在简历上的。除非雇主指明需要,照片也不用放。

2. 简历上不要写大段的“自我评价”。网上各个欧美大学都有简历模板,直接套用就好。表格式简历在欧美国家也比较少见。

3. 在中国获得的奖项和证书请写全称,并加上你的排名。

如果你光写“CET-6, Score: 600”,雇主不知道“CET”是什么东西。写“College English Test - Level 6, Score: 600”,雇主不知道 600 分算高算低,Level 6 是不是最高等级。比较好的办法是写上你的排名。同理,很多时候“Model Student”或者“XX Cup Chemistry com#petition”面试官搞不清含金量高低,但如果你加上排名,就能充分表明“你很厉害”这点,面试官也不需要知道“Model Student”究竟是什么。


4. 为了避免歧义,日期建议写成 January 5, 2016 或者 5 January, 2016 这种格式。全是数字的话,16/01/05 外国人看不懂,01/05/16 在有些国家代表 1 月 5 日,有些国家代表 5 月 1 日。

5. 所有标点请用英文的半角格式。逗号后面记得空格!。简历里一般用不到句号。

6. 还在上学或刚工作几年的,简历最好只有一页。

7. 文件名最好存为 Zhang_ 或者 Zhang_ 这样,以姓氏开头、无空格。

8. 邮箱的姓名请换成拼音姓名。如果收件方是外国人,汉字、非主流文字、姓名空缺很容易让你的邮件被忽略。

9. 包含简历的邮件里请至少写几句话,不要直接“你好,这是我的简历”,或者干脆什么都不写。

10. 姓名要统一。如果你用英文名,那么申请的每个环节都请用英文名(推荐信里、邮件签名处、面试中)。简历最上方的姓名为了和证件统一,可以写 Xiaoming "Sam" Zhang 或者 Xiaoming (Sam) Zhang其他地方统一用 Sam Zhang。




· 使用你的学校邮箱(或工作邮箱,这能使你显得更专业. 避免使用例如Hotmail, Yahoo, QQ, Gmail等的私人邮箱,除非没有更好的选择.

· 不要包含你的年龄或生日.

· 尽量使用主动语态的动词来描述你的工作经历.例如"organized", "researched", "designed",


· 如果你过去曾有与应聘职务相关的工作经历,着重把它放在你的教育信息之前.雇主会对你能做什么做过什么更感兴趣,而不是你学过什么.公司总是会在你入职后再训练你以让你掌握工作所需的技能(译注:着重强调经验和工作能力,而非你的'学历)

· 标点符号后要加一个空格,不同于中文,这在英文中非常重要.直接关系到你的简历是否易读可读.

· 绝对不能有任何打印(或拼写)错误!可以让你的朋友帮你逐行检查是否有打印错误(译注:word自带的拼写检查和online grammar check 也是一个不错的选择).

· 最好能将简历控制在一页纸之内.应聘者时常成百上千,招聘部门不会有那么多时间去看超过一页的内容.但是,学术类简历不必遵循这个建议,例如PhD研究生,因为简历中需要罗列已有的和已出版的研究.

· 如果你大学在读或者已经毕业,不要在简历中包含任何大学前的信息.

· 不要包含你的兴趣爱好.

· 如果你还是学生的话,可以去学校的就业中心让那些专业人士帮你修改简历


What is the difference between a Curriculum Vitae and a Résumé?


Firstly there is a language difference; Curriculum Vitae is Latin in origin and means “course of life” whilst Résumé is French for “summery”. Curriculum vitae is used in com#monwealth English and often abbreviated to CV. Résumé, which is sometimes spelt resumé or resume, is used in North American English. com#monwealth English is used in English speaking countries; apart from the USA. Canada is an exception as Canadians use elements of both com#monwealth and North American English.

首先是语言上的不同。Curriculum Vitae是拉丁语,意为生命的历程;Résumé是法语,意为综述。Curriculum Vitae常用于英式英语,缩写为CV;Résumé有时会被写成resumé或resume,常用语美式英语。英式英语是指除了美国以外其他使用英语的国家。加拿大是个例外,因为它两种英语都使用。

In British English we only use the term CV and, in form, it is what the Americans would call a résumé. It is short, usually one or two pages, and contains a summary of relevant job experience and education; it is this form of CV that we are looking at in this series of topics.


In American English a CV contains a list of all your professional history. This would include all your employment experience, academic qualifications and significant achievements. It could even include samples of your work and would run to many pages.


Is it necessary to send a cover letter with every CV?


Even if you have spent many hours polishing your CV, without a good covering letter, your work is only half done. The cover letter is an introduction and a hook to get the employer’s attention. It should make him or her want to know more about you, so he or she will bother to read your CV.


Can a graduate CV be longer than one page?


A new graduate CV should be no longer than a page; even job applicants with a long job history should limit themselves to two. Of course there are exceptions; a student, who has done numerous internships, volunteer work or other relevant work experience, may use two. However the general rule, for those who are first time job applicants or who are graduates, is one page only.


In the cover letter, is it necessary to address it to a specific person?


Yes, it is important to find out a name and personally address it. It shows initiative and shows you are really interested. Also make sure you know if the person is a man or a woman!


Should the CV and the cover letter be sent together?


Yes, always. Even if the employers don’t specifically request a cover letter; send one! You can’t know whether a particular com#pany values cover letters or not. To be on the safe side, always include one.


What are the most important things I should consider when writing a CV?


There is an acronym FAKTSA you might like to remember to help you. It stands for five things:








Transferable Skills




Focus on the employer’s needs rather than your own. The appearance should be clear and concise. It should contain job and skill related keywords. These keywords are important because employers will use search programmes to match these words with CVs stored in their database. If your CV has these keywords you could be considered. You can find these keywords by researching the com#pany website and related job advertisements in your industry. Transferable skills are all the skills you have acquired from your previous jobs, schooling or day to day life that are relevant to what the new job requires. Your accom#plishments are, especially, those strengths that match the requirements of the job; good references are important here.


