
进修社 人气:1.95W

Thank you, thank you so much, thank you movie god, I really need to share this with all 3,000 and everybody who worked with me on Life of Pi. I really want to thank you for believing in this story and sharing this incredible journey with me.非常感谢!我希望能与参与《少年派的奇幻漂流》制片所有的3000名人员分享这个时刻。我非常感谢大家相信了“派”的.故事并与我一起分享了这一段旅程。


I need to thank Yann Martel for writing this incredible, inspiring book.我很感谢雅·玛特尔写出了这部极具启发性的著作。

Everyone at Fox, thank you for taking the leap with me.感谢福克斯影视公司,谢谢你们和我一同前进。

Suraj [Sharma], where are you?,You're a miracle, playing the young Pi and carrying the yone of you in the 're the golden statue in my heart.苏拉-沙玛(少年派的主角派的饰演者,小编注),你在哪?你是一个奇迹,出演了少年派这部电影,你是我的小金人!

I could not make this movie without the help of Taiwan, we shot there, I want to thank everybody there who helped us.没有台湾方面的协助,我根本无法完成本片的拍摄。我们在那里完成拍摄工作,感谢在那里所有帮助过我们的人。

My wife, Jane Lin, we'll be married 30 years this summer. I love you. My boys, Haan and Mason, thank you for your k you Academy, namaste.我的妻子林惠嘉,到今年夏天我们结婚就满30年了。我爱你。我的孩子,Haan和Mason,谢谢你们对我的支持,谢谢奥斯卡,谢谢(梵文,为印度和尼泊尔通用的致敬语,意为"有礼了",小编注)
