
进修社 人气:1.5W

摘  要:苏曼殊是近代文学领域“不可无1,不可有2”的人物,他的1生短暂而多舛,却成就了百余首饱含情感的诗歌。他用“泪”筑起了其诗歌的.意象世界,诗中充溢着诗人闲云野鹤般的孤独与寂寞。

关键词: 苏诗   孤独   泪意象

Abstract:“There can be only one.” Su Manshu’s life is transient and full of setback, but he wrote about one hundred emotional poems. He builds the image world with “tears”and lonely was exuberated in it, just like wild cloud and crane.

Key words:   poem    tear    lonely
